
How to Spot Lyme Disease Symptoms in Dogs?

By learning how to spot the symptoms of Lyme Disease you will be able to put off some serious medical conditions in your dog. It is important to know the particulars and symptoms of Lyme Disease in dogs. Lyme Disease can happen in your pet as well as you. Without timely treatment, the disease paves way to problems in various areas of the body of your dog. The areas affected may include kidneys, heart, and also the joints. Sometimes, it may also lead to neurological issues. More often than not, Lyme disease is linked with symptoms like high fever, lameness, distended lymph nodes and a lack of desire for food.
Lyme Disease Symptoms and Types

Others, in the meantime, may get acute lameness, which stays only three to four days but comes back days to weeks later. Dog illnesses and symptoms in this case are typified by lameness in one leg, with a return to standard function, and another leg is then caught up. In the absence of treatment, the condition may lead to glomerulonephritis, which causes inflammation and associated dysfunction of the kidney’s glomeruli (basically, a blood filter). Sooner or later, complete kidney failure is caused and the dog starts to show such signs as diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, weight loss, more urination and thirst, fluid upsurge in the abdomen and fluid increase in the tissues, particularly the legs and beneath the skin.

Other symptoms linked with Lyme disease include rigid walk with an arched back, Sensitivity to touch, trouble in breathing, Fever, lack of appetite, and depression might come with inflammation of the joints and so on. Watch out for lethargy or any other mysterious changes in your dog’s behavior. Be alert for confusion, anxiety, and even seizures. Check if there is an extended or swollen abdomen, breath that smells like ammonia, and increased or severely reduced urination. Also, see that you look for pet insurance plans and carry out the daily check and elimination of ticks on your dogs.

Author Bio

The author is an ardent dog care enthusiast who also writes articles on various dog issues such as dog illnesses and symptoms, how to plan health of dogs, pet insurance plans, dog day care and the like.

